Consumer perceptions of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in financial transactions.

Date Published:
Journal of Financial Services Marketing
Devasagayam, R., & DeMars, J.
Page Numbers

This research examines consumer perceptions of choices of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (ADRM) in resolving financial services and product dissatisfaction. The paper begins with a detailed analysis of various dispute resolution mechanisms available to customers and firms in the United States. It then proceeds to highlight the salient features of ADRM. A national random sample of US consumers is used to obtain data on customer perceptions of ADRM and possible choices in using ADRM in conflict resolution. Results indicate that as the cash at risk increases, consumers indicate a preference for litigation over alternative forms of dispute resolution. The findings have strategic implications for strategy formulation in marketing of financial services and product as well as improving customer satisfaction through amicable resolutions of customer complaints. 

(Abstract from author)