Conflict resolution in the schools: A manual for educators.

Date Published:
National Institute for Dispute Resolution (NIDR)
Girard, K., & Koch, S. J.

Based on material developed by the National Institute for Dispute Resolution (NIDR), this practical resource guide shows principals, district administrators, counselors, and teacher educators how to diagnose conflicts, handle difficult confrontations, and implement appropriate mediation and problem-solving strategies. Extensive examples and exercises are used to illustrate listening and speaking skills, ways of managing the anger that accompanies conflict, techniques for building consensus, and development of conflict resolution curricula at the school and college levels. Specific modules cover: (1) the nature of conflict; (2) concepts and skills of conflict resolution; (3) alternative dispute resolution processes; and (4) applications for conflict resolution in education. Each module includes: learning outcomes, a background essay covering the basic concepts addressed in the module, and exercises aimed at building understanding and skills. Appendices provide: a glossary; guidelines for conducting role plays; role play examples; an exploration of the dynamics of power in conflict resolution; a list of recommended readings; and sample course outlines. (ERIC)