Alternative dispute resolution in special education: A view from the field.

Date Published:
Journal of Special Education Leadership
Hazelkorn, M., Packard, A. L., & Douvanis, G.
Page Numbers

Mediation was required by the Individuals With Disabilities Education (IDEA) 1997, and resolution sessions were added to the IDEA 2004. This study examines the perceptions of 260 special education directors in Georgia, Massachusetts, Washington, and Wisconsin to determine their perceptions regarding alternative dispute resolutions in which they had been involved between 1997 and 2004. Findings indicate that school districts are less likely to use due process as a preferred method of resolving disputes, are using mediation because they are pleased with the outcome, and will use resolution sessions as an option in the future. In the future, state and local educational agencies need to develop guidelines for, encourage the use of, and implement alternative dispute resolutions to resolve differences as it is a win-win situation for all. (ERIC)