Dispute Resolution National Trends: 8 Years of APR/Section 618 Data

On February 13, 2014 CADRE presented a webinar, Dispute Resolution National Trends: 8 Years of APR/Section 618 Data with Richard Zeller & Amy Whitehorne

About the Webinar:  During this webinar, we will discuss trends in the use of IDEA formal dispute resolution procedures (written signed complaints, mediation, due process complaints/hearings, and resolution meetings) over the past eight years. In addition, we’ll look at:

  • Total national rates of activity (dispute resolution events per 10K childcount in the 50 states) and mean state reported activity (average of state rates reported);
  • Drilling down into data (e.g., “due process complaints resolved without a hearing” – how were these cases actually resolved?); and
  • Using existing dispute resolution data to inform, understand, and collaborate

Presenters: CADRE's Senior Policy Analyst, Richard Zeller and Policy Analyst, Amy Whitehorne

Visit the Data Drill Tool discussed during the webinar.

View past CADRE webinar recordings