We are entering the world of public charter schools with the local boards of education being the only allowable authorizers. We would appreciate input from states with experience in this area about SEA and LEA responsibilities for providing special educat

We are entering the world of public charter schools with the local boards of education being the only allowable authorizers. We would appreciate input from states with experience in this area about SEA and LEA responsibilities for providing special education oversight of: -implementation/documentation of IEP services; -dispute resolution processes; and -compliance/monitoring. We understand that public charters must comply with the main components of IDEA; however, we are curious about details within state special education policy and whether public charters must abide by those more detailed parameters? Is this something that should be specified in the MOU between the local boards of education and the individual charter schools or is there a universal expectation with regard to special education? We appreciate any knowledge you may be able to share in this area.
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