When a district is found through the special education complaints process to be out of compliance and it appears that the student was denied FAPE, does your state specify the compensatory services that must be provided to the student as part of the correc

When a district is found through the special education complaints process to be out of compliance and it appears that the student was denied FAPE, does your state specify the compensatory services that must be provided to the student as part of the corrective actions, or does your state leave it up to the IEP team to determine 1) whether compensatory services are needed and/or 2) the type, location, duration, and frequency of the compensatory services? If your state specifies the compensatory services that must be provided to the student, have you encountered instances in which the parent and/or the LEA disagree with what is being required by the state?  If so, how has your state handled those situations?
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