Parent Leadership Training Program - Texas

The Partners Resource Network (PRN) designed a Parent Leadership Training Program specifically for parents of children with disabilities who are passionate about helping other parents understand the IEP/ARD process. At the successful completion of the training program, a participant becomes certified as a Parent Leader.

System Oversight, Infrastructure and Organization


The Partners Resource Network (PRN) designed a Parent Leadership Training Program specifically for parents of children with disabilities who are passionate about helping other parents understand the IEP/ARD process. At the successful completion of the training program, a participant becomes certified as a Parent Leader.

Practitioner Standards & Professional Development


Leadership candidates must have a strong foundational knowledge of IDEA and want to become Leaders in helping other parents understand the IEP/ARD process. Interested individuals must contact the PTI that serves their area to be added to the PRN Parent Leadership Training Program interest list. Individuals who participate in two online Continuing Education Courses, a one-day virtual Parent Leadership Training, and a follow-up webinar, become certified as Parent Leaders and can volunteer for PRN.

Standards of Practice

The role of the Parent Leader is to:

  • Attend IEP/ARD Meetings with parents.
  • Help the parent prepare for the meeting, plan an agenda, identify the issues, and support the collaborative process of the meeting.
  • Assist the parent and school in reaching consensus where possible.

Parent Leaders are not advocates, but rather Partners in the IEP/ARD process.

Professional Development

Parent Leadership Training is a three-part process. They are:

  1. Two Parent Leadership online courses must be completed – IDEA 2004 & Procedural Safeguards
  2. A one-day Parent Leadership Training via Zoom (IEP/ARD Structure & Leadership Skills)

A follow-up webinar