Facilitated Resolution Meetings - Oklahoma

The Special Education Resolution Center (SERC), housed at Oklahoma State University, provides special education mediators available to serve as facilitators for resolution sessions, with a goal of at least half the resolution sessions being facilitated. These facilitators are available if both the parents and school district request a third-party neutral and the parents have signed a release of confidential information form. SERC contacts the parties to arrange a time and location for the session. The facilitator’s role is to ensure that the parties have an opportunity for equal participation in a structured setting, while adequately addressing the facts and issues raised by a due process complaint. The facilitator assists the parties to discuss matters related to the complaint in an attempt to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. The facilitator does not provide legal advice and does not render a decision for the parties. Resolution sessions may be confidential with the agreement of all participants.
System Oversight, Infrastructure and Organization

Forms/Letter Templates:

Public Awareness & Outreach Activities

Training/Professional Development

Program Contact

Jo Anne Pool Blades
Special Education Resolution Center, Oklahoma State University