Dispute Resolution Committee - Oregon

The Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) is a special education stakeholder group that meets periodically to review Oregon Department of Education's (ODE) due process hearing decisions, complaint resolutions, and mediation activities. The Committee also reviews Department policies & procedures related to dispute resolution and makes recommendations to the Department.
System Oversight, Infrastructure and Organization

System Design/Management:

The function of the DRC is to serve as a primary advisory group to ODE on special education dispute resolution matters. 

The DRC has the following objectives:

  1. To ensure that implementation of ODE’s mediation, complaint inv estigation, and due process hearing systems are carried out fairly and effectively;
  2. To provide ODE with review and recommendations on the resolutions to complaints and hearings and the procedures used to conduct complaint investigations and hearings under the IDEA; and,
  3. To ensure statewide access to appropriate dispute resolution options for resolving special education disputes.


The DRC will meet at least three times per year.





Recruitment will be a combined effort of the DRC and ODE. The DRC will approve appointments to the committee. Members will be appointed for three year terms. 

The DRC shall be composed of the following members:

  1. At least one representative of SACSE;
  2. At least one representative of the State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) for Part C;
  3. At least two parent representatives, with a preference that one parent be the parent of an infant, toddler, or child with a disability aged six or younger;
  4. At least two special education representatives, at least one of whom is a school district or ESD administrator;
  5. A school district or ESD principal or superintendent;
  6. A representative of Disability Rights Oregon (DRO);
  7. A representative of the a Parent Training & Information Center (PTI);
  8. A school district attorney;
  9. A parent/student attorney;
  10. A mediator representative; and
  11. A member of the public, which could include a representative of higher education, a school board member, or other person with an interest in special education dispute resolution.

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