Conflict Coaching: Its Value in Special Education Dispute Resolution

On January 9, 2013, CADRE hosted a free webinar with guest presenter Tricia Jones, Conflict Coaching: Its Value in Special Education Dispute Resolution.

About the Webinar: Conflict coaching is a one-on-one process that helps someone in conflict gain a better understanding of the conflict and how s/he may manage conflict constructively. Increasingly used in workplace and community conflicts, this session explored how it may help parents, educators and special education dispute resolution professionals work through their conflicts. The discussion focused on how elements of conflict coaching can be brought into conferences and mediation to help build better relationships and de-escalate conflicts.

About the Presenter: Tricia S. Jones is a Professor of Adult and Organizational Development in the Dept. of Psychological Studies in Education at Temple University (Philadelphia, PA). She teaches courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels in conflict processes, conflict resolution education, negotiation and mediation, interpersonal communication, organizational communication with emphasis on organizational dispute system design, and qualitative and quantitative research methodology. Her conflict coaching work has focused on training programs for government agencies, higher education, health care and state offices of dispute resolution. In 2009-2011, she designed and implemented the Department of Veterans Affairs’ conflict coaching program as a component of the VA ADR systems nationwide under the auspices of the Office of Resolution Management.

She has authored 6 books and over 50 articles and book chapters on conflict management and has given more than 200 presentations at national and international conferences. Her books on conflict and conflict resolution education include: Conflict Coaching: Conflict Management Strategies and Skills for the Individual, New Directions on Mediation, Does It Work? The Case for Conflict Resolution Education in our Nation’s Schools, Kids Working It Out: Stories and Strategies for Making Peace in Our Schools, Interpersonal Communication through the Life Span and Intercultural Communication: A Peacebuilding Approach. She is currently working on The Heart of Conflict and Conflict Coaching for Different Contexts. From 2001-2007 she served as the Editor-in-Chief of Conflict Resolution Quarterly, the scholarly journal of the Association for Conflict Resolution, the nation’s largest professional association for conflict management and dispute resolution.

Dr. Jones is the Project Director of the Conflict Resolution Education in Teacher Education (CRETE) project funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s FIPSE program (Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education), the George Gund Foundation, the JAMS Foundation, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The CRETE mission is to educate pre-service teachers and mentor teachers/supervisors about conflict resolution education to help them create more constructive learning environments, develop students’ social and emotional competencies, and enable new teachers to succeed and sustain themselves in their profession. CRETE is partnering with over 20 Higher Education Institutions in 10 states and the District of Columbia.  

Please note: If interested, you may email and we will update you on upcoming CADRE webinars and provide you with an opportunity to give us feedback.

You can contact Tricia Jones at:
Temple University, College of Education
Dept. of Psychological, Organizational, & Leadership Studies in Education
Ritter Annex 247
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6091

phone/fax: 215-204-7261 / 215-204-6013