Re-connecting with the Roots of the IEP/IFSP Process

On September 19, 2012 CADRE hosted a free webinar: Re-connecting with the Roots of the IEP/IFSP Process. The webinar was presented by Greg Abell, Principal at Sound Options Group, LLC.

About the Webinar: Efforts at improving the IEP/IFSP processes often focus on compliance issues. This workshop explored the IEP/IFSP processes as Adaptive Learning tasks that bring a diverse group of people together to engage a complex challenge. We explored ways to better balance the Technical (compliance) elements with the Adaptive (innovative) elements of these processes as we reconnect with the core values of the IDEA.

About the Presenter: Greg Abell is Principal at Sound Options Group, LLC, a Conflict Engagement and Leadership Development firm, providing conflict intervention and professional development services to individuals and organizations. His practice as a conflict resolution professional is driven by a core belief that everything of importance Greg Abellhappens within the context of interpersonal relationships. His background in psychology led to an interest in the mediation field. In the late 1980’s he served as a founding member and first Board President of the Kitsap County Dispute Resolution Center. Over the past 20+ years, he has continued to serve the field in a leadership capacity as Board President for the Washington Mediation Association and as Senior Consultant to the Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE).

Currently Sound Options Group serves as the Administrative Agent to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and Department of Early Learning in Washington State to provide Conflict Engagement services under the IDEA. In addition they have partnered with the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development and Change Matrix, LLC to create the Collaboration LAB. The LAB is devoted to supporting effective collaboration in Systems of Care for the effective design and delivery of Mental Health Services for Youth. Sound Options Group, LLC consults nationally on the design and delivery of Conflict Engagement Systems. Prior to entering the field, Greg spent 15 years in Public Education as a School Psychologist and Special Services Administrator.

You can contact Greg Abell at:
Sound Options Group, LLC
P.O. Box 11457
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Phone: 1.800.692.2540

Please note: If interested, you may email and we will update you on upcoming CADRE webinars and provide you with an opportunity to give us feedback.