Guidelines for Successful Parent Involvement: Working with Parents of Students with Disabilities

Date Published:
Teaching Exceptional Children
Staples, K.E. and Diliberto, J.A.
Page Numbers

According to the Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), school systems must ensure that the individualized education program (IEP) team includes the parent of the child with a disability. Teachers often report the challenges of getting parents to attend IEP meetings often assuming parents' lack of interest with involvement in their child's education and school activities. Involving parents in a variety of activities throughout the school year will send the message that school personnel and that parents are members of a real team working together to create a nurturing learning environment. As a result, parents might feel more able to participate equally during IEP meetings and provide school personnel with insight on the child and family culture not observed at school. This article discusses research in the area of parent involvement and provides recommendations for involving parents of children with disabilities in classroom activities. [ERIC abstract]