Alabama APR/SPP Dispute Resolution Data - Part C

Date Published:

The following reports are available for this state:






  • AL DR Summary 0913073pdf includes data from years 2003-2004, 2004-2005 & 2005-2006. Displayed for each year are the child count (ages 3 to 21, December 1 count), percent of school age served (ages 6 to 17), and reported and calculated values for written complaints, mediation, due process hearings, and expedited due process hearings. For each data element the number of events reported by the state are provided as are the number of events per 10,000 students enrolled in special education. This "per 10K" rate provides a way to compare the relative frequency across states.








  • AL State-National Comparison 091307.pdf includes a comparison of state data and the national averages.








  • Additional reports will be posted as they become available.