Building IEPs with Maryland families: What a great IDEA! A guide for developing, implementing and reviewing Individualized Education Programs for students with disabilities.

Date Published:
Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Special Education
Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Special Education

This guide suggests a fresh perspective for families and professionals working together to develop Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities living in Maryland. It begins by explaining the purpose of IEPs and by providing the principles for IEP development in Maryland. Information is then provided on how the IEP is developed, IEP team members, the IEP timeline, and IEP components, including performance levels, measurable goals, statement of special education and related services, determination of services, supplementary aids and services, program modifications and supports, statement of participation in statewide and local assessments, method of informing parents of student progress, special considerations, transition services, and least restrictive environment student placement. Tools that IEP team members must have to hammer home ideas and nail down plans for helping the student reach individualized education goals are described, and tips are provided for parents for successful IEP team meetings. Questions are also provided that should be answered as part of the IEP development process. The booklet closes with IEP development checklists for parents, teachers, and students. (ERIC)