Families and schools: Resolving disputes through mediation.

Date Published:
Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE)
Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE)

This publication attempts to answer common questions that parents, teachers, administrators, and others have about mediation as a means of resolving conflicts between parents of a child with a disability and the school district. Four real life stories are used to show how experienced mediators use a variety of methods to help participants work out differences and come to agreement. Provided for each case are a brief overview, a summary of parent concerns, a summary of school concerns, and a detailed account of the mediation process. These summaries suggest the different aspects of mediation that lead eventually to agreement in the various cases including: (1) the opportunity for a full and respective airing of differences; (2) a caucus, although this is not necessary with every mediation; (3) agreeing to a solution for a trial period and then meeting to discuss next steps; (4) agreeing to bring in impartial experts; (5) a willingness to negotiate by all involved; and (6) maintaining the focus on the needs of the child. Contact information for three organizational resources is attached. (ERIC)