A National Update of Case Law 1998 to the Present under the IDEA and Section 504/A.D.A.

Date Published:
National Association of State Directors of Special Education
Zirkel, P.A.

Preface: This annotated outline is a relatively comprehensive compilation of the published special education decisions under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 (§ 504) or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for students from pre-K through grade 12, starting in 1998 and ending approximately midway in 2011. The coverage focuses on the issues of primary concern to educators and parents, such as eligibility, free appropriate public education (FAPE), least restrictive environment (LRE), and the remedies of tuition reimbursement and compensatory education. In partial contrast, the coverage of attorneys’ fees is limited to a more modest sampling of the published decisions, because they are so numerous and of less immediate interest to the primary audience. In complete contrast, the compilation does not extend, however, to technical adjudicative issues, such as exhaustion, jurisdiction, stay-put and statute of limitations.... The case entries are organized in approximate chronological order within the common special education categories, starting with eligibility. Each entry consists of a standard citation, including the parallel cite in the INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES LAW REPORTS (IDELR), and a blurb that summarizes the major ruling(s). In addition, prefacing each citation is the outcome for the summarized ruling(s) in terms of these categories: P = Parent won; S = School district won; P/S = mixed (i.e. partially for each side); ( ) = Inconclusive.