Getting Started

Deciding What You Need

Whether you are making improvements to an existing program or building a new program from the ground up, assessing your program needs is crucial to your success. It will pave the way for setting short-term objectives, as well as long-term programmatic goals. In previous years, CADRE provided intensive technical assistance in the form of multistate workgroups in the area of IEP facilitation program design. Within this model, SEAs and contracted agencies responsible for managing dispute resolution programs were brought together via virtual and face-to-face meetings to build an additional upstream option for families and districts in conflict. Participants brought a variety of backgrounds with regard to program development. Some were looking to improve an existing facilitation program while others were building a new program from scratch.

CADRE has developed a Facilitated IEP Program Initial Self-Assessment tool. The assessment is organized around the DR SIPE framework and not only allows users to determine their level of proficiency in certain areas, but shines a light on what CADRE believes to be critical function areas of effective system design (system structure and organization, program access and delivery, practitioner standards and development, public awareness and outreach, evaluation and continuous quality improvement).

What We Wish We Knew Before We Started

Over the years, CADRE has been in the unique position to support numerous states in the development and improvement of IEP facilitation programs, and one theme continues to surface.  As programs come close to running up to everyone’s standards, someone says, “If we only knew ____ when we started.”  With that in mind, we have collected a few of the more global themes that have emerged through this work.

  • There is no “right way” to build a system.  Link to Voices from the Field- Jo Anne Blades, clip 1
  • Everything takes longer than anticipated.
  • One size does not fit all in IEP Facilitation.  Link to Voices from the Field Kerry Smith, clip 1
  • For many, the idea of IEP facilitation may require a cultural shift- it does not happen overnight. Model the process in other areas/meetings to encourage change.
  • Change, even good change, is hard. Expect resistance but stay the course.