
Have any of your mask complaints alleged that the failure to require masks for all students discriminated based on disability by failing to provide an equal educational opportunity for students with disabilities who are at a heightened risk of severe illn

Have any of your mask complaints alleged that the failure to require masks for all students discriminated based on disability by failing to provide an equal educational opportunity for students with disabilities who are at a heightened risk of severe illness from COVID-19? This is a complaint we've just received. At this time, and without any further information, We are declining to investigate as there are no facts alleged to show any student has been denied a FAPE, and the requested remedy is that we order a mask mandate in the school.

I have been receiving a lot of mask issues but I just got a new one that has my thought process jumping all over the place- parents are claiming that the other kids in the class wearing a mask are violating their child’s FAPE. It has to do with a claim o

I have been receiving a lot of mask issues but I just got a new one that has my thought process jumping all over the place. Parents are claiming that the other kids in the class wearing a mask are violating their child’s FAPE. It has to do with a claim of the student needing to see people’s faces (e.g., lip reading) for receptive language/ communication. Has anyone seen anything like this yet?
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