Has anyone had an expedited due process hearing where a hearing officer has been appointed and then the complainant in a request to the state moves to withdraw the expedited case and file a regular due process to get around time constraints so that th

Has anyone had an expedited due process hearing (where a hearing officer has been appointed) and then the complainant, in a request to the state, moves to withdraw the expedited case and file a regular due process to get around time constraints so that the parties may pursue mediation?  In other words they are effectively trying to amend the complaint so that it is now a regular due process hearing.  If so, I would love any insight you may be able to provide. Can an expedited hearing even be converted to a regular due process? What does the state need to do if anything? Can the hearing officer just keep the case and accept the withdrawal and amendment? Is the original expedited due process hearing closed and a new regular due process opened or can they be converted through amendment?  I am thinking about how we need to track all of this for reporting purposes as well.  
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