Rulemaking Committee - Arizona

The Special Education Rule Committee’s purpose is to examine Arizona Special Education State Board 401 rules, to propose rules that are clear, instructive, and aligned to the IDEA, and to provide guidance for implementation.
System Oversight, Infrastructure and Organization


The direction of the Committee is to develop concise rules that reflect IDEA and
that serves every type of LEA and the State free of terminology and concepts that are subject to change. 

Transparency and access to all of our work product and resource materials is paramount to achieving our goal. 

Our Group Norms:

  • We engage in active listening
  • We seek to understand
  • We strive for a collective impact
  • We honor the communication plan
  • We support working for the greater good
  • Our communication is timely and accurate
  • We use rubrics to evaluate our work
  • We need to learn and “unlearn”
  • Reflection is critical to our success

Consensus--A two tiered approach: The Core Team will work toward unanimous consensus on every issue. If not an unanimous consensus the group will use a super majority vote.


The Core Team is compised of advocates, SEAP members, the Deputy Associate Superintendent of the Arizona Department of Education, several local directors of special  education services, a representative from the Arizona chapter of the CEC, a representative from the parent center, and representatives from private schools.  Staff from the Arizona Department of Education and the Attorney General’s office also attend meetings.


The Committee has started a review of complaints and concerns regarding Child Find from Dispute Resolution and the parent center.