1. If a third-party (e.g. non-parent) files a formal complaint, do you inform the parent of the student that a complaint has been filed? 2. If so, do you inform them before or after the investigation has taken place? 3. Do you follow different procedures

1. If a third-party (e.g. non-parent) files a formal complaint, do you inform the parent of the student that a complaint has been filed? 2. If so, do you inform them before or after the investigation has taken place? 3. Do you follow different procedures regarding notification to the parent when it is a systemic complaint? For instance, when the complaint is regarding all special education students in a particular class, are all parents notified about the pending complaint investigation? 4. If you only inform parents after the investigation has taken place, do you limit this to only when the district is out of compliance with regard to the student(s) and corrective actions are required? 5. What would you do if the parent indicates that they do not want the complaint investigation to go forward, do you continue with the investigation anyway?
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