Nature vs. Nurture: Our Brain’s Responses to Conflict

About the Webinar: This webinar will help us interpret our responses to anxiety and conflict, and learn how to model more effective behaviors to children. The IEP process can be the perfect time to teach children about collaborative, inclusive, interest-based decision making. As children observe effective techniques for dealing with anxiety, they will be better equipped for handling conflicts in the classroom and their family. Research covered will include causes for these conflict triggers i.e. lack of knowledge about the topic, pre-programmed opposition, a misunderstanding, pressure to have the conclusion before the meeting, personal trauma or history etc. We will discuss the frontal lobe's purpose as our thermostat and keeping everything in check. Finally, we will look at what research and techniques have been proven to help us have the conversation we want, even in the midst of high anxiety and conflict.

About the Presenters:  Dr. Lesley Cook is a licensed Clinical Psychologist with a strong belief in the power of relationships. She creates a safe and trusting professional relationship with her patients to help them find their way. Her core belief is that all people have the ability to grow towards the person they wish to be. If they can find what stands in their way, they can move past it, coming to a place of greater self-understanding and personal growth. Dr. Cook has expertise and experience in working with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities,Photo of Lesley Cook and Clare Fowler Depression, Anxiety, LGBT specific issues and general life challenges. She has significant experience with neuropsychological evaluations with a focus on learning and processing challenges. Her evaluations seek to identify not only appropriate diagnoses but also to lay out the path forward to healing and growth. Dr. Cook was born and raised in Hawaii but has lived in Washington State and is now practicing in Virginia. She is licensed to practice in both the state of Hawaii and Virginia. She obtained her Doctoral Degree from the Argosy University Honolulu Campus. She works with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families.

Dr. Clare Fowler received her Doctorate on designing dispute resolution systems for small businesses from Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education/Organizational Leadership and her Master's of Dispute Resolution from the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at the Pepperdine University School of Law. Clare serves as Managing Editor at She also mediates workplace disputes and conducts trainings for companies and individuals on improving communication.