Mediation Models

Some States and LEA's offer a mediation model that is different than what IDEA requires. These approaches include panel or team mediation where two or or more mediators are used. Other models might include med/arb where a mediator becomes, with the support of the participants, a decision maker if they reached impasse. Also, online or cyber mediation is being used with increased frequency. 

When parents feel that they want a neutral third party to hear their concerns, informal local mediation is always available.

An AEA mediator may be used to help settle difference between parties. This person may be someone who is considered neutral to the disagreement, from within the AEA or from another AEA. This person is not assigned by the state, as in the other options.

The Special Education Services Department of the San Francisco Unified School District has partnered with The Bar Association of San Francisco to offer a new way to resolve complaints with the school district regarding the learning needs of your child.  Professional facilitators through the Bar A

The Solutions Panel process was developed in response to the growing need for a better way for families and schools to resolve their differences around special education issues. 

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