Solutions Panel - El Dorado County SELPA, California

The Solutions Panel is part of the El Dorado County SELPA ADR model. Rather than living with a decision made by a third party, such as a judge or hearing officer, the parties craft their own agreement. The process builds a foundation of trust between parents and district personnel which enhances future interactions.

System Oversight, Infrastructure and Organization


Panels are scheduled at a mutually convenient time (usually within two weeks), considerably sooner than the 45 day timeline of state level Due Process.Each party has a chance to state their position, share concerns and listen to the other party’s position. Panel members assist the parties in reaching a mutually acceptable agreement. It is an informal, no-pressure environment which allows parents and schools to design their own resolution. 

All participants and mediators are legally bound by agreement to
maintain confidentiality.


Each panel consists of two trained mediators (a parent, and an educator) who assist parties to come to an agreement. All members are trained and certified by the SELPA.


Panels are provided at no cost and do not involve the use of attorneys.

Public Awareness & Outreach Activities

Availability/Accessing Services

A Panel will be scheduled as soon as possible after the request, usually within two weeks.

Panels meet at a convenient site mutually agreeable to both parties.