Stakeholder Council

A Stakeholder Council advises education system administrators and dispute resolution program managers on the development of policies and procedures that regulate the system. Such councils provide ongoing input from a variety of perspectives to help guide and influence the functioning and improvement of dispute resolution systems. The group typically includes representatives from parent and advocacy organizations, special education administrators, attorneys, and dispute resolution practitioners. In some cases, a stakeholder council is a sub-committee of the state’s special education advisory committee; in other cases it is a free-standing entity. 

The State Advisory Panel (SAP) subcommittee for dispute resolution reviews dispute resolution data and recent due process hearing decisions. The SAP subcommittee also reviews data related to formal complaints and discusses common themes of the complaints occurring throughout the state. 
An Advisory Council has been established to provide input, from the viewpoints of various stakeholders, on the development of policies and procedures that regulate mediation and the due process hearing system. The policies and procedures formulated by the Special Education Resolution Center, with the advice of the Council, will be presented to the Oklahoma State Department of Education as a recommendation for positive change.
The Dispute Resolution Committee is a special education stakeholder group that meets periodically to review ODE's due process hearing decisions, complaint resolutions, and mediation activities. The Committee also reviews Department policies & procedures related to dispute resolution and makes recommendations to the Department.
The Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee and Howard County Publc School System encourage and welcome parent involvement in every phase of a child's educational journey. In the area of special education, parent involvement is crucial.
The Stakeholders’ Council in Wisconsin provides an example of a strategy designed to transform a culture of conflict (fragmentation and distrust) into a culture of collaboration.
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