Family Support Service Coordinators - Maryland

The Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services maintains a network of local Family Support Services Coordinators that assist parents of children with disabilities to fully participate in planning early intervention and special education services for their child.
System Oversight, Infrastructure and Organization



Family support services coordinators are available in each Maryland jurisdiction to:

Answer questions about early intervention and special education services
Help foster connections among families
Provide resources and lend library materials
Organize parent trainings
Facilitate parent support groups
Support families in planning for transitions
Informally assist parents in resolving concerns with local early intervention systems and local school systems
Provide information about Maryalnd's formal process for resolving disputes with local early intervention systems and local school systems.

Public Awareness & Outreach Activities

Availability/Accessing Services

A directory of local family support services may be found on the web at