Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

MD - A Family Guide to Early Intervention Services in Maryland

MD - Facilitated IEP Team Meetings in Maryland - Introduction & FAQs for Parents & Public Agency/School Personnel

MD - Family Support and Dispute Resolution Branch Website

MD - IDEA Dispute Resolution Processes Comparison Chart

MD - Parent Involvement Brochure

MD - Parental Rights: A Companion Guide to the Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice (Part C)

MD - Parental Rights: Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice (Part C)

MD - Part C Complaint Form

MD - Part C DP & Mediation Request Combined Form

MD-6 IEP Facilitation_Introduction_FAQsOCT11

ME Parent Federation - Procedural Safeguards: Understanding Mediation

Video of 2017 09 12 11 29 Mediating in the Context of Broken Trust 2 About the Webinar: Mediators often find themselves facilitating challenging and complex conversations in a context of broken trust. It has been asked if it is possible to negotiate with someone where there is a breakdown in, or absence of trust. Trust is a complex notion. In this webinar we will explore this topic and identify a structure for assessing and understanding different types of trust. We will identify key attributes of trusting relationships. We will identify strategies for “negotiating” trust and reaching...

Mediator Evaluation Form - BIE

Mediator Evaluation Form - BIE

MEPF - Advocacy

MEPF - Workshop Descriptions

MEPF-8 - Advocating For Your Child

MEPF-9 - Parents Right Card

MI - Best Practices for SEMS Virtual Meetings (2020)

MI - Center for Educational Networking Website

MI - Early On Family Rights - Guidebook

MI - Facilitation and Mediation Brochure

This resource is available in English, Spanish, and Arabic.

MI - Facilitation and Mediaton Brochure - Arabic

MI - Facilitation and Mediaton Brochure - Spanish

