Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

Are you looking for ways to engage the IEP team in discussion on challenging topics such as student regression, recovery services, or compensatory education? These are critical conversations when students are not meeting their IEP goals, made all the more urgent by changes in the delivery of services during the pandemic. Raising concerns regarding lack of student progress or unmet needs may be awkward or unpleasant, but manageable. Join us to learn techniques and strategies families can use in their advocacy efforts to approach and take part in difficult conversations.

How do educators and families make agreements that feel like a win for all? Educators and families meet, discuss and make a series of agreements. Making agreements that will last require negotiation skills that encompass awareness of cultural differences and knowledge of different cultural practices. This is critical to successful negotiations. The presenters will provide information on implementing negotiation techniques based on the work of the Harvard Program on Negotiations. These tools can assist all stakeholders to make integrated agreements (win win) that truly benefit the students and...

Note: This session is near capacity! Only 25 slots left. Meet and network with colleagues in this fun and open-ended session. You will be placed in a randomly selected room with up to 10 others and have 15 minutes to introduce yourselves, and chat. After every 15 minutes, you will be placed into a new room and group. Consider using any of the following questions below as conversation starters! What do you do? What's the best part of your job? What projects are you working on right now? Which of the speakers has been most enjoyable for you so far? Are you presenting any sessions?

In South Dakota, collaboration works. A partnership between the state Office of Special Education and the state’s Parent Training and Information Center created and sustains an effective alternative dispute resolution effort. The South Dakota Navigator Program utilizes Peer Navigator Consultants with flexible schedules. The goals of the program are to help both schools and parents to: find and utilize resources, improve communication, build or re-build partnership, and resolve disagreements locally and voluntarily. Located all across this rural state, PNCs, or “Navigators,” work from their...

This skill-building session will focus on writing; a written final product is critical for all types of special education dispute resolution. We are among many other things professional writers. Hearing officers must write a decision; mediators and resolution session participants will likely need to draft a settlement agreement if the dispute is resolved; and state complaint investigators must write up the report of the investigation. In this interesting and interactive session, those in attendance will participate in the session and will learn about the common factors and the differences...

The presenters will discuss cloud-based case management and the use of electronic communication in dispute resolution generally. The presenters suggest that “we are all online dispute resolvers” and that dispute resolution is becoming more a “choreography of communication” than a discrete physical event. Various modalities of communication will be considered along with the issues of confidentiality and security, asynchrony, digital accountability and the digital divide.

OSEP will share updates on the policy letters related to dispute resolution since the 2013 Questions and Answers on Dispute Resolution release. Additionally, OSEP will share the new Differentiated Monitoring Systems protocols related to dispute resolution. Attendees are encouraged to bring their questions. Video of 6.2 OSEP DR Policy Update and DMS Protocols

OSEP will discuss trends, innovative practices, and pitfalls identified through its review of States’ dispute resolution systems. The discussion will focus on the importance of establishing and implementing accurate tracking systems to ensure valid and reliable dispute resolution data, ensuring alignment of any alternate dispute resolution practices with IDEA requirements, and consistently implementing and disseminating clearly written dispute resolution policies and procedures. Attendees are encouraged to bring their questions, since the majority of the session will involve a dive into...

This session will provide an update on the policy letters related to dispute resolution since the 2013. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a questions and answers on session with OSEP staff focused on dispute resolution.

To review the session handout(s), click on the icon below: Presenters: Charlotte Price , WI FACETS, Milwaukee, WI Nelsinia Ramos Rojas , WI FACETS, Miwaukee, WI Don Rosin , Great Lakes Inter-tribal Council Native American Family Empowerment Center, Lac du Flambeau, WI Jan Serak , WI FACETS, Milwaukee, WI Patricia Williams , WI Dept. of Public Instruction, Madison, WI One year of program evaluation data from the Wisconsin Special Education Mediation System’s Facilitated IEP Pilot Project will be shared by WI Dept. of Public Instruction staff (invited). Staff from WI FACETS and Great Lakes...

One year of program evaluation data from the Wisconsin Special Education Mediation System’s Facilitated IEP Pilot Project will be shared by WI Dept. of Public Instruction staff (invited). Staff from WI FACETS and Great Lakes Inter-tribal Council Parent Training and Information Centers will discuss their perspectives. Topics to be covered include: parent involvement in a broad stakeholder-designed system, impact on parents of a neutral intake process and external facilitation, parent-educator stakeholder awareness, helping parents understand when to request a FIEP or mediation, preparing and...

This presentation will focus on strategies to create a culturally responsive school climate that will efficiently and effectively resolve special education disputes. Special attention will be paid to the possible contributory factors of inter-cultural conflicts that may occur during the IEP process and during the course of mediation. Cultural proficiency continuum will be explored and analyzed for best practices. Practical strategies will be identified and discussed using a sampling of case studies to facilitate IEP meetings, mediations as well as resolve cultural conflicts that might evolve...

Respectful relationships and clarity of communication are the foundational building blocks to functioning and forward thinking as a team. Teams often come to an impasse when there is a breakdown in communication or they get stuck in a stance. Everyone has an opinion and emotion behind a proposal. The best decisions are made when they are child-centered, evidence-based, and data-driven. Mistakes will be made, and the key to resolution and failing forward is the ability to have a discussion where people are heard and valued. This presentation will: teach techniques to re-frame conflict as...

Parents often come to the facilitated IEP meeting or to a special education mediation at a distinct disadvantage or power imbalance. They frequently 'know' what they know from listening to other parents, service coordinators, or private service providers. Those third parties may have no more accurate information or successful strategies than the parent. It is similar to being asked to play a game not knowing the rules, how to prepare, the strategies, or even how the outcome will be determined. This presentation will provide a framework by which parents may play the game. The framework can be...

The presentation will be a synopsis of the following research and a discussion of how to effectively apply the results to the creation of an IEP training program for teachers. Parent participation in Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings is a requirement of the IDEA. While the goal of this stipulation is that parents are meaningfully involved in their children’s educational planning, the reality has often been quite different. The current study aims to discover if teachers can speak to parents in a way that encourages them to participate more actively. Furthermore, in what ways can...

This presentation will give attention to recent research findings from FINE (Harvard)Center for Social Organization of Schools and CADRE, as well as the Joyce Epstein Model of Parent Involvement. Legal mandates for parent involvement will be reviewed. The Parent Mentors will speak on the topic of successful family-school partnership including barriers and benefits to partnerships. The parent perspective of coming to the table with educators will be presented, including cultural issues of Hispanic families. The process of empowering parents and strategies to increase and improve family...

This session will examine how our needs have changed during COVID. We will also look at how we can use technology to meet those needs. This will be primarily a discussion, with the incorporation of videos and audience discussion. Video of 2.3 Post Pandemic Mediation Making it Enjoyable

Presenter: Michael Opuda , Special Education Consultant, Drummond, Woodsum & MacMahon , Portland, ME Special education has been described as a “wait to fail” model for educational intervention. Similarly, special education mediation can be described as a “wait for crisis” model of dispute resolution. A challenge for schools is to prevent legitimate education concerns from escalating into legalistic disputes. This presentation will identify indicators of dispute escalation and offer solutions to prevent and de-escalate the conflict.

Special education has been described as a “wait to fail” model for educational intervention. Similarly, special education mediation can be described as a “wait for crisis” model of dispute resolution. A challenge for schools is to prevent legitimate education concerns from escalating into legalistic disputes. This presentation will identify indicators of dispute escalation and offer solutions to prevent and de-escalate the conflict.

