Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

NM - District Mediation Request and Agreement to Mediate - Spanish

NM - Mediation Agreement Form

NM - Mediation Agreement Form - Spanish

NM - School Agreement to Mediation & Request for Mediation

NY - RFP Mediation Services Provided in the New York State Early Intervention Program

OH - Direct Request for Mediation or Facilitation

OK - Memo from Asst State Superintendent re: Mediation Guidelines

OK - Parent Agreement to Mediate and Request for Mediation (parent initiated)

OK - School Agreement to Mediate and Request for Mediation (school initiated)

PA - Agreement to Mediate Form for Parent with Confidentiality Clause

PA - Authorization of Resources Form - Verbal Authorization

PA - Call Resolution Process

PA - Call Resolution Process Notification email to district (example)

PA - Co-Mediator Letter

PA - ConsultLine Issue List

PA - ConsultLine Letter to Constituents which Accompanies Requested Materials

PA - ConsultLine Policy - Procedures for the Termination of a Call

PA - ConsultLine Response Card

PA - ConsultLine Standard Message for Email Response

PA - ConsultLine-video.pdf

PA - Declining Letter for Mediation

PA - Disputes in Special Education: Why Attorney's Chose Mediation over Litigation (Video)

PA - Letter to Mediator with Case Description Document

PA - Letter to PA Senators and Representatives re: ConsultLine

