Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

UPC - What Is Self-Determination?

UPC Video - Cómo ayudar a nuestros hijos a desarrollar su auto determinación

Video of Cómo ayudar a nuestros hijos a desarrollar su auto determinación ¿Desea ayudar a su hijo(a) con discapacidad a tener una vida productiva y una vida de inclusión en su comunidad? Su hijo(a) necesitará desarrollar habilidades de auto determinación, tales como establecer metas, cómo tomar decisiones, y habilidades de auto abogacía. Este video sobre la auto determinación servirá de fundamento para enseñarles estas habilidades.

UPC Video - Parents Teaching Self-Advocacy Skills: Helping Your Child Toward Self-Determination

Video of Parents Teaching Self-Advocacy Skills: Helping Your Child Toward Self-Determination Do you want to help your child with a disability live an included and productive life? Your son or daughter needs self-determination skills such as making choices, setting goals, and self-advocacy. The Self-Determination video will provide you with a foundation of how to teach these skills to your son or daughter.

UPC- Student Led IEPs

UT-13 Memo of Agreement 1-2013.pdf

UT-8 ParentCenter-District Parent Consultants 1-2013.pdf

WI - WIFACETS presents: Serving on Groups

WI FACETS - Communication Skills Training

WI FACETS - Serving on Groups that Make Decisions

WI FACETS - Serving on Groups that Make Decisions: A Guide for Families

WI FACETS - Unauthorized Practice of Law Procedures

WI FACETS - WSEMS Dispute Resolution Options

WI FACETS -Unauthorized Practice of Law Policy

WI FACETS -Unauthorized Practice of Law Policy

