Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

PA - Early Intervention Complaints Resolution Process

PA - Early Intervention Due Process Request Form

PA - Early Intervention Hearing Officer Decision Letter

PA - Early Intervention Initial Letter from ODR Case Manager re: DP hearing request

PA - Early Intervention Supports and Services

PA - Letter to Mediator with Case Description Document

PA - Mediation Confirmation Letter - LEA

PA - Mediation Initial Request Letter

PA - Mediation Rules for Medicaid Waivers

PA - Parent Rights Agreement

PA - Part C IFSP Request Form

PA - Part C IFSP Facilitation Procedures

PA - Part C Mediation Confirmation Letter - Service Provider

PA - Problem Solving in Early Intervention

PA - Procedures for Dept. of Public Welfare Early Intervention Program Due Process Hearings

PA - Signed Assurance by Administrator of Ability to Commit Resources

PA - Signed Authorization to Commit Resources for Administrator

PA - Verbal Authorization to Commit Resources for Administrator

PA-17 ConsultLine Issues List.pdf

PRO-NM - First Steps. You are Your Child's Lifelong Advocate!

