Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

PA - Early Intervention Hearing Officer Decision Letter

PA - Early Intervention Initial Letter from ODR Case Manager re: DP hearing request

PA - ECC Request Form October 2013.pdf

PA - Email to LEA Personnel relative to Resolution Session

PA - IEP Facilitation Evaluation

PA - IEP Facilitation Request Form

PA - Initial Letter from ODR Case Manager re: DP Complaint & HO assignment

PA - Invitation Letter to Executive Directors of Intermediate Units

PA - Letter to accompany HO decision (assurance)

PA - Letter to accompany HO decision (gifted)

PA - Letter to accompany HO Decision (no assurance)

PA - Letter to Mediator with Case Description Document

PA - Letter to PA Senators and Representatives re: ConsultLine

PA - Letter to parties relative to Assurance Form as it relates to Appeals Panel decision

PA - Letter to parties relative to Assurance Form as related to HO decision

PA - Letter with Stakeholder Council Composition

PA - Mediation Agreement Form, Sept 08

PA - Mediation Confirmation Letter - LEA

PA - Mediation Evaluation Form - January 2010

PA - Mediation Initial Request Letter

PA - Mediation Request Form

PA - Mediation Rules for Medicaid Waivers

PA - Mediation Rules for Special Education

PA - Mediator Contract Requirements Nov. 2010

PA - No Contact After Mediation Request Letter

