Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

PPTI - Using Due Process to Resolve Disputes

PPTI - Using Early Dispute Resolution Strategies

PPTI - Using the ND Mediation Process to Resolve Disputes

PPTI - Using the ND State Complaint Process to Resolve Disputes

About the Webinar: Dr. Edward Feinberg is the lead author of CADRE's most recent publication, " In the Best Interests of the Child: Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings When Parents Are In Conflict. " As a psychologist and early intervention program manager for more than 30 years, Dr. Feinberg offers practical assistance in what can be a difficult situation for school personnel and parents. Administrators and teachers often do not know the best way of ensuring that each parent is respected and that their opinions are valued. Parents may feel confident in advocating for their child...
Section 3: PREPARATION FOR PROBLEM SOLVING IN THIS SECTION YOU WILL FIND: MENTAL PREPARATION Being in the flow; being centered Training for a flowing and centered response KNOWING WHERE OUR MINDS ARE A MENTAL PORTRAIT OF EFFECTIVE PROBLEM SOLVERS THE MISOGI BREATHING TECHNIQUE DEALING WITH DIFFICULT PEOPLE: THE SPONGEHEAD TECHNIQUE SEEING THE BIG PICTURE: THE SOFT EYES TECHNIQUE Back to Table of Contents MENTAL PREPARATION The key to successful problem solving starts within our own minds. Our mental attitude involves more than just "thinking" about a conflict or a problem. It involves an...

Preparing for Special Education Mediation and Resolution Sessions: A Guide for Families and Advocates. This 27 page joint publication was developed by The Advocacy Institute and the Children's Law Clinic at Duke Law School . It is intended to help families and advocates make the most of the dispute resolution options offered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Presenter's Guide - Creating Agreement, Building Partnerships

PRN - Negotiation 101: How to Get the SPED Services Your Child Needs

PRN Webinar: Turning Conflict into Positive Outcomes

Note: This webinar is a product of the TX Partners Resource Network. Melanie Reese, Director of CADRE, was invited to present to PRN on conflict management. Video of PRN Webinar: Turning Conflict into Positive Outcomes In this web training, participants will explore effective ways to navigate through conflict by learning the importance of framing a conflict event, identifying underlying interests, and other collaborative communication skills. Participants will have an opportunity to self-reflect on their conflict styles and biases as they learn skills and strategies for effectively managing...

PRO-NM - Family Involvement Building Community Partnerships

PRO-NM - FIEP Process

PRO-NM - First Steps. You are Your Child's Lifelong Advocate!

PRO-NM - Mediation

PRO-NM - Open Line and More: A Guide for Effective Communication

PRO-NM - Parental Rights & Special Education Procedures

Procedural Safeguards: Understanding Dispute Resolution: State Complaint Procedures

Procedural Safeguards: Understanding Due Process Hearings

Procedural Safeguards: Understanding Resolution Meetings

Video of Webinar: Productive Conversations Through Empathy Note: A captioned version and transcript will be available soon! About the Webinar: EMPATHY, not ownership. Is it possible for you to support others through difficult moments, demonstrate authentic compassion, or connect through kindness without owning the beliefs, issues, or problems of others? YES, with EMPATHY. Empathy is an amazing gift -- to others and to yourself. The ability to help others without owning their problems is energizing. The willingness to widen your circle of concern to include people unlike you is empowering...

PTI NE - Family-Professional Relationships

PTI-NE - Tips for the IEP Meeting

