Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

PA - Creating Agreement Brochure

PA - Declining Letter for Mediation

PA - Dept of Education (BSE) Complaint Information Packet & Form

PA - Dept of Education - BSE Complaint Information Packet

PA - Disputes in Special Education: Why Attorney's Chose Mediation over Litigation (Video)

PA - Due Process Complaint Notice

PA - Due Process Digest - Volume 23

PA - Due Process Evaluation Form

PA - Due Process Frequently Asked Questions

PA - Due Process Hearing Notice

PA - Due Process Reassignment Letter

PA - Early Intervention Complaint Form

PA - Early Intervention Complaint Procedures - Memo

PA - Early Intervention Complaints Resolution Process

PA - Early Intervention Due Process Request Form

PA - Early Intervention Hearing Officer Decision Letter

PA - Early Intervention Initial Letter from ODR Case Manager re: DP hearing request

PA - Early Intervention Supports and Services

PA - ECC Request Form October 2013.pdf

PA - ECC-Brochure-English-November-2013

PA - ECC-Brochure_Spanish_November2013.pdf

PA - Email to LEA Personnel relative to Resolution Session

PA - Enhancing Parent Involvement: A Practical Guide for PA Schools Supporting Students with Disabilities

PA - Expedited Due Process Procedures Fact Sheet

PA - General Due Process Hearings Timelines when Parent Files a Complaint

