Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

IA - Special Education Mediator Standards

IA - Timeline expectations when preappeal conference request is filed

IA - Timelines involving Due Process Complaint

IA - Tips for LEA/AEA When Conducting a Resolution Meeting

IA - Ways to Resolve Differences in Iowa - Table that compares AEA Resolution Facilitator, Preappeal Conference, Complaint and Due Process Hearing

IA - Written State Complaints Rules '07

IA-109.1 RESPECT PowerPoint Part 1

IA-109.2 RESPECT PowerPoint Part 2

IA-109.3 RESPECT PowerPoint Part 3

IA-109.4 RESPECT PowerPoint Part 4

IA-110 RESPECT Training - Participant Manual

IA-111 RESPECT Trainers Manual

IA-125 School Leadership Dec 04

IA-157 Q & A Statewide AEA RF system8.10.pdf

IA-158 Parent Request for Resolution Facilitator 8.11.pdf

IA-24 AEA ResolutionFacilitationBrochure10.08.pdf

IL - Educational Rights and Responsibilities: Understanding Special Education in Illinois “The Parent Guide”

IL - Equity Information and Resources

IL - IEP Facilitation Brochure - Directors' Conference

IL - Notice to LEAs Regarding Resolution Session

IL - Require Resolution Meeting/Session Information

IL - Resolution Session Reminder Letter

IL - Resolution Session Tracking Form

IL - Resolution Session Warning Letter

IL - Stakeholder Meeting PowerPoint

