Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

OK - Part C Request to file a due process hearing

OK - Policies and Procedures for Special Education in Oklahoma

OK - Request to File a Complaint with OK State Dept of Education

OK - Request to File a Complaint with the LEA

OK - Resolution Agreement form

OK - School Agreement to Mediate and Request for Mediation (school initiated)

OK - School Agreement to Use a Third Party Neutral Facilitator during Resolution Session

OK - SERC Consent for Release of Confidential Information form

OK - SERC Hearing Officer Performance Evaluation

OK - SERC Hearing Officer Performance Evaluation from 05/06 Advisory Committee mtg

OK - SERC Interim Report FY 2007-08 Contractual Activities

OK - SoonerStart Early Interventions Services: Policies and Procedures (Part C)

OK - Special Education Formal Complaint Procedures

OK - Stakeholder Training Resources

OK - Why Use IEP Facilitation: Understanding the Usability, Credibility, and Versatility of the Process

OKPC - Building Relationships Between School Personnel & Parents in Special Education

OKPC - Building Relationships Between School Personnel & Parents in Special Education (Spanish)

OKPC - Communicating with Your Child's School Through Letter Writing (NICHCY Sample Letters)

OKPC - Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High!

OKPC - Parent Rights Card

OKPC- Parent Rights Handout Spanish

PACER - Resolving Disagreements Through the Special Education Process Webinar

