Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

OKPC- Parent Rights Handout Spanish

PA - Agreement to Mediate Form for Parent with Confidentiality Clause

PA - Authorization of Resources Form - Verbal Authorization

PA - Co-Mediator Letter

PA - Correspondence as a Result of Focus Group Meeting

PA - Declining Letter for Mediation

PA - Disputes in Special Education: Why Attorney's Chose Mediation over Litigation (Video)

PA - Letter to Mediator with Case Description Document

PA - Mediation Agreement Form, Sept 08

PA - Mediation Brochure - Be Part of a Positive Process

PA - Mediation Confirmation Letter - LEA

PA - Mediation Data Entry Screens from ODR Database

PA - Mediation Evaluation Form - January 2010

PA - Mediation Evaluation Summary

PA - Mediation FAQS

PA - Mediation Initial Request Letter

PA - Mediation Request Form

PA - Mediation Rules for Medicaid Waivers

PA - Mediation Rules for Special Education

PA - Mediator Contract Requirements Nov. 2010

PA - No Contact After Mediation Request Letter

PA - ODR Focus Group Meeting Minutes (6/30/04)

PA - Parent Confirmation Letter of Mediation Scheduled

PA - Parents Guide to Mediation

PA - Part C Mediation Confirmation Letter - Service Provider

