Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

Video of The Transformative Power of Engaging Parents as Partners About the Webinar: Learn how Poway Unified School District completely transformed their relationships with families, re-established trust, and even more importantly, improved students’ learning experiences. Their intentional efforts to engage parents as partners also helped save the district millions of dollars in attorney fees and settlement costs. Their hope is that by continuing to partner with parents, staff can spend less time and energy embroiled in conflict and more time and energy exploring ways to continuously improve...

UT-8 ParentCenter-District Parent Consultants 1-2013.pdf

Video of Spanish Language Webinar Sobre el seminario web: Los Centros de Padres a lo largo y ancho del país están asistiendo a padres de familia cuyo idioma no es el inglés para que se preparen para las reuniones del IEP de sus hijos. El personal que atiende a estas familias necesita información y recursos que sean lingüística y culturalmente apropiados para explicarles a los padres su papel en el proceso del IEP y guiarlos sobre cómo participar de manera más efectiva. Este webinar en español ha sido especialmente diseñado para el personal bilingüe de centros de apoyo, y padres líderes en su...

WI - WCASS Guide: How to Provide Students with IEPs Access to their Grade Level Curriculum through Text to Speech

