Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

PEAK - Improving IEP Teams: Skills for Resolving Conflict

PEATC - Special Education Complaint Toolkit

PEATC - Special Education Mediation Toolkit

CADRE undertook a qualitative inquiry of special education mediations in two states. In this exploratory research, CADRE's goal was to gain access to, examine, and compare the perspectives of parents, school personnel and mediators on several dimensions of the mediation experience—expectations, the process itself, outcomes, satisfaction with the process and outcomes, and long term outcomes. By identifying themes and patterns within and across cases, CADRE hoped to identify promising areas for future qualitative and quantitative research. A CADRE publication.
Section 3: PREPARATION FOR PROBLEM SOLVING IN THIS SECTION YOU WILL FIND: MENTAL PREPARATION Being in the flow; being centered Training for a flowing and centered response KNOWING WHERE OUR MINDS ARE A MENTAL PORTRAIT OF EFFECTIVE PROBLEM SOLVERS THE MISOGI BREATHING TECHNIQUE DEALING WITH DIFFICULT PEOPLE: THE SPONGEHEAD TECHNIQUE SEEING THE BIG PICTURE: THE SOFT EYES TECHNIQUE Back to Table of Contents MENTAL PREPARATION The key to successful problem solving starts within our own minds. Our mental attitude involves more than just "thinking" about a conflict or a problem. It involves an...

PRN - Negotiation 101: How to Get the SPED Services Your Child Needs

This brief analysis is the result of a survey conducted of all state education agencies on the subject of alternate dispute resolution. Based on responses in that survey to questions about resolution meetings, eight states were selected for this study. Interview protocols were utilized for each state incorporating their reported current resolution meeting processes. The document addresses the available types of supports for resolution meetings and includes information about the experiences of the states in implementing resolution meetings. A joint effort of Project Forum at NASDSE and CADRE.


This brochure offers specific communication skills that may be helpful to parents as they develop and maintain partnerships with their child's school. This document was originally published in May 2004 and developed in partnership with the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY). If you need assistance accessing these documents please contact . Tell us what you think of the document, please click here to take a short survey.

STOMP - Communication

STOMP - IEP Primer

In this bibliography of research published during the past decade, we have grouped studies into three related areas: studies that evaluate the effectiveness of school-based programs and interventions intended to promote parent/family involvement on student outcomes; studies that evaluate family behaviors and characteristics and their effect on student outcomes; and studies that analyze parent/family involvement research. A CADRE Publication . This document was published in December 2002. More information on IDEA 2004.
This paper examines the role of attorneys and to a lesser extent, advocates in special education mediation. It examines the positions held by both proponents and opponents of permitting attorneys and advocates to participate in special education mediation. It then considers the interests and concerns shared by advocates of the two opposing views. The paper concludes with practical recommendations that attempt to satisfy these common interests. This document was published in June 2001. More information on IDEA 2004.

