Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

SC - Mediation Agreement - Sample 3

SC - Procedures for Facilitated IEP Team Meetings

SC - Request for Facilitated IEP Meeting (District)

SC - Request for Facilitated IEP Meeting (Parent)

SD - Request for a Facilitated IEP Meeting

SDPC - The Basics of an IEP & Procedural Safeguards

Video of Self-Care Strategies for Families with Children with Disabilities ( El video en español ) About the Webinar : Self-care for the caregiver of a child with disabilities is a complicated topic that fellow caregivers find frustrating. The reality is simply most of us cannot fathom having the time or the capability to address our own needs ahead of a child with complex needs. This presentation encourages us to redefine what self-care really means for the parent of a child with disabilities. How do we reframe self-care in the context of our challenging lives? How do we discover achievable...

SFL - Sharing the Commitment - ESE Parent Advisory

SFL - Sharing the Commitment to Excellence Brochure

SFL - Website: Sharing the Commitment to Excellence

Video of Skilled Dialogue Revisited - Joining & Harmonising: Diverse Perspectives About the Webinar : As a follow-up to their live webinar, Skilled Dialogue: Minding and Mining the Riches of Differences , Drs. Barrera and Kramer dive deeper into specific skilled dialogue strategies through example scenarios and explanations of collaborative language. Please rate this resource! About the Presenters : Drs. Barrera and Kramer bring a rich professional as well as personal history. They have taught diverse student populations at the university level for over 20 years. Their model, Skilled...
Video of Skilled Dialogue: Minding and Mining the Riches of Differences MAR 2018 About the Webinar : In an increasingly diverse environment, it is not rare to find ourselves facing the challenges of needing to communicate and collaborate with others whose opinions and perspectives differ significantly from ours. It is no longer viable to hold on to an “either-or” approach that requires diminishing or devaluing one set of opinions and perspectives in favor of another. In this webinar, Barrera and Kramer focus on how diversity can—and should—enhance and unite rather than diminish and divide...

SPAN - Brief Overview of Dispute Resolution Options

SPAN - Brief Overview of EI (Part C) Dispute Resolution Options

SPAN - Complaint Investigation Flowchart

SPAN - Due Process Hearing Flowchart

SPAN - IEP and IFSP Facilitation Booklet

SPAN - Info on Administrative (State/Written) Complaints

SPAN - Info on Due Process Hearings

SPAN - Info on Mediation

SPAN - Mediation Flowchart

SPAN - NJ EI (Part C) Process Overview Sheet

SPAN - Policy re: Technical Assistance and In-Person Support and Advocacy

SPAN - Questions and Answers On Procedural Safeguards and Due Process Procedures For Parents and Children With Disabilities

SPAN - Role of Parent Centers in Helping Prepare for Resolution Session

