Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

Resolution Sessions Tracking Form - Arizona

Resolution Sessions Tracking Form - Arizona
Recorded on November 6, 2014 About the Webinar: This webinar starts with a brief overview of the history and use of restorative justice practices to resolve conflict. This is followed by a description of the use of restorative practices in public education, with a spotlight on promising initiatives around the nation. Specific focus is placed on the use of restorative practices for students with disabilities and their families -- both as an alternative to exclusionary discipline, and as a tool for re-integration into the school setting. About the Presenter: John Inglish is an Education Program...

Rhode Island Informal and Formal Special Education Options and Resources for Dispute Resolution (English)

RI - A System of Continuous Improvement

RI - Complaint Procedures

RI - Due Process Hearing Procedures - Resolution Session Excerpt

RI - Impartial Due Process Hearing Procedures

RI - Mediation Brochure

RI - Model Form to Assist in Filing A Special Education State Complaint

RI - Model Form to Assist in Requesting A Due Process Hearing

RI - Options and Resources - RI Informal and Formal Sped Options and Resources for DR

RI - Resolution Session Reporting Form

RI - Special Education Procedural Safeguards Notice

RI - State Complaint Submission Tracking Form

RIPIN - Basic Rights in Special Education

RIPIN - Basic Rights in Special Education (PPT Handout)

RMF Brochure_English_Dec2013.pdf

RMF Card_ENGLISH_Dec2013.pdf

SC - Facilitated IEP Team Meeting Feedback Survey

SC - FIEP participation agreement 2023-2024

SC - Information and Requesting Facilitated IEP

SC - Mediated Agreement - Sample 1

SC - Mediated Agreement - Sample 2

