Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

PRO-NM - Family Involvement Building Community Partnerships

PRO-NM - FIEP Process

PRO-NM - First Steps. You are Your Child's Lifelong Advocate!

PRO-NM - Mediation

PRO-NM - Open Line and More: A Guide for Effective Communication

PRO-NM - Parental Rights & Special Education Procedures

Procedural Safeguards: Understanding Dispute Resolution: State Complaint Procedures

Procedural Safeguards: Understanding Due Process Hearings

Procedural Safeguards: Understanding Resolution Meetings

Video of Webinar: Productive Conversations Through Empathy Note: A captioned version and transcript will be available soon! About the Webinar: EMPATHY, not ownership. Is it possible for you to support others through difficult moments, demonstrate authentic compassion, or connect through kindness without owning the beliefs, issues, or problems of others? YES, with EMPATHY. Empathy is an amazing gift -- to others and to yourself. The ability to help others without owning their problems is energizing. The willingness to widen your circle of concern to include people unlike you is empowering...

PTI NE - Family-Professional Relationships

PTI-NE - Tips for the IEP Meeting

Pyramid - Appealing an Expulsion Decision

This easy to use comparison chart looks at dispute resolution processes from a variety of perspectives. It was developed following OSEP’s release of a Q&A on IDEA Part B Dispute Resolution in July 2013. At that time, CADRE was asked to create a set of companion resources for parents and families. In addition to this chart, CADRE developed five parent guides around dispute resolution processes. Tell us what you think of the document, please click here to take a short survey. (link is external)

RCSN - How to Have a Successful IEP Meeting - Video

RCSN - Mediation and Impartial Hearing Tip Sheet

RCSN - Special Education Mediation Part 1 - Video

RCSN - Special Education Mediation Part 2 - Video

On September 19, 2012 CADRE hosted a free webinar: Re-connecting with the Roots of the IEP/IFSP Process . The webinar was presented by Greg Abell, Principal at Sound Options Group, LLC. Video of Re connecting with the Roots of the IEP IFSP Process 4 0 About the Webinar: Efforts at improving the IEP/IFSP processes often focus on compliance issues. This workshop explored the IEP/IFSP processes as Adaptive Learning tasks that bring a diverse group of people together to engage a complex challenge. We explored ways to better balance the Technical (compliance) elements with the Adaptive (innovative...

Reaching Out to American Indian and Alaska Native Youth with Disabilities


Resolution Agreement Template - Iowa

Resolution Agreement Template - Iowa

Resolution Meeting Tips - Iowa

Resolution Meeting Tips

Resolution Session Report - Florida

Resolution Session Report - Florida

