Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

KS - Infant Toddler Services Complaint Brochure

KS - Mediation Confidentiality Pledge (Pg3)

KS - Notice of Request for Part C Due Process Hearing

KS - Part C Infant-Toddler Services Formal Complaint Request Form

KS - Part C Infant-Toddler Services Request for Mediation

KS - Procedure Manual - Procedural Safeguards

KS - Request for Mediation (Pg1)

KY - Hearing Officer Contract 2020

LA - Early Steps Manual - Ch.2 Parents' Rights, Opportunities, and Responsibilities

LA - IEP Facilitation-Request Form

LA - Interacting with Families: Procedural Safeguards (Early Steps PPT)

LA - Mediation Report

LA PTI - A Good IDEA for Louisana: A Guide for Parents and Students About Special Education Services

LAUSD - Complaint Response Unit Brochure

LAUSD - Informal Dispute Resolution Brochure

LAUSD - Mediation Request From

LAUSD - Reference Guide

LAUSD - Request for Due Process Form & Directions

LAUSD - Request for Informal Dispute Resolution

LAUSD - Resource Guide for School Site Administrators

LAUSD - System Flow Chart

This is the homepage for CADRE's technical assistance workgroup focused on increasing Awareness of Procedural Rights Safeguards & the Use of Collaborative Problem-Solving Processes in Early Intervention. This workgroup, started in July 2015, includes representatives from lead agencies and parent centers in three states. Use or reproduction of any of the materials on this page is allowed and permission to copy is not required. Please give recognition to the appropriate author/organization. Regulatory Resources Current Federal Regulations (September 28, 2011) IDEA Part C Regulations – 34...
Flash video: Listening (This video is 07:57.) (requires Adobe Flash player , a free download). Transcript of flash video in Adobe PDF Format. Please note that this presentation will not start until it has completely loaded onto your computer. This could take a minute or more, depending on the speed of your Internet connection. Captions: The video is set to play with captions enabled. Should you wish to view it without captions, click on the "CC" button at the bottom of the Flash player. If you cannot see the Flash player controls or the viewable area seems clipped, please make sure your...

Posted December 2017 (Rev May 2018) The summary below features data for school years (July 1-June 30) 2004-05 through 2015-16. For each data element, the number of events reported by the state is also provided as the number of events per 10,000 students enrolled in special education. This "per 10K" rate provides a way to compare the relative frequency across states – a more “apples to apples” comparison. For more information on dispute resolution data or this summary, contact CADRE .

MA - Advancement/Postponement Request Form

