United States

Attorney Charlie Jelley received his undergraduate and master degree from Slippery Rock State University. Attorney Jelley received his first law degree from Duquesne Law School, and received his second law degree, an LL.M. in Health Law, from the University of Loyola School of Law, Institute for Health Law in Chicago, Illinois. From 1980–1991, Attorney Jelley worked for Westmoreland County ARC as a lay advocate, then as the Director of Educational and Legislative Advocacy, and then for a short period of time after graduating from law school as the Executive Director. Attorney Jelley was the co-editor of the Health Law Institute’s first health law journal, The Annuals of Health Law. In 1991, Attorney Jelley’s LLM thesis focused on the application of the anti-discrimination provision in Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Employee Retirement Income Security Action (ERISA) as applied to persons with disabilities accessing health insurance. After graduating from Loyola, Attorney Jelley worked as a consultant to the Chiropractic Legal Defense Fund in Englewood Colorado. In April 1993, Attorney Jelley joined the Law Office of Margaret Tremba and resumed his school law practice in Westmoreland County. Attorney Jelley’s practice focused on children’s issues, school law, juvenile justice, children and youth services, health law, disability law, medical assistance issues, community services, estate planning for families of persons with disabilities, civil rights litigation, ERISA litigation and legislative/policy analyses for persons with disabilities. Attorney Jelley served as the solicitor for the Parent Education Network, a Pennsylvania Parent Training initiative. Attorney Jelley is the past co-chairman of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Exceptional Children’s Committee. He is a past member of the Westmoreland County Academy of Trial Lawyers and the Ned Nakles Inns of Court.
