This searchable database contains bibliographic information for literature (research-based and policy/practice) relating to dispute resolution in special education.

CADRE is interested in identifying additional articles and publications to include in this database. If you are aware of other such resources, please send an email to with as much information as possible about the resource (e.g., title, author, source, date), and include a copy of the publication or a URL link, if available.  Interested in emerging research and knowledge gaps in IDEA dispute resolution?

Considerations for mediating with people who are culturally deaf.

Today in America, 28 million people experience hearing loss. This article presents an approach and issues that should be considered when working with a discrete subset of this population -- individuals who identify as members of Deaf culture. The practitioner should remain aware, however, that the...Learn more

Considering special education mediation.

This brief paper discusses the use of mediation as a method for resolving disagreements between schools or early intervention programs and parents of children with disabilities. It identifies benefits of mediation such as maintenance of an ongoing and positive relationship between the school and...Learn more

Dispute resolution: A review of systems in selected states.

This report discusses findings of a study that investigated the resolution of disputes in the field of special education. Information was collected from ten states (Alabama, California, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming) on their current dispute...Learn more

Due process hearings: An update. Final report

This report presents data from all 50 states on due process hearings concerning the education of students with disabilities for the years 1992, 1993, and 1994. Data were gathered from a 1996 survey conducted by the National Association of State Directors of Special Education. This survey updates...Learn more

Families and schools: Resolving disputes through mediation.

This publication attempts to answer common questions that parents, teachers, administrators, and others have about mediation as a means of resolving conflicts between parents of a child with a disability and the school district. Four real life stories are used to show how experienced mediators use...Learn more

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) on mediation.

This publication has been developed by the Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE) to respond to the host of questions that many parents, teachers, administrators, and others have about mediation. From basic questions such as, "What is mediation?" and "How does it...Learn more

GAO: Mediation can help solve special education disputes.

This article discusses the U.S. General Accounting Office's (GAO) report on benefits of mediation in solving special education disputes. The role of mediation in providing viable resolutions to disputes between parents and schools over the education of disabled students is discussed as well as...Learn more

IDEA partnerships ASPIIRE/ILIAD.

This article explains the use of mediation to improve special education partnerships between families and schools. Benefits and drawbacks to mediation are described, along with strategies for finding out about mediation in individual states and finding a mediator. Information on the Consortium for...Learn more

Improving special education mediation.

This article provides background information about special education and mediation and offers some points to consider for those interested in starting, improving or analyzing a special education mediation process. This article is based on the author's experience as a mediator as well as on site...Learn more

It’s Time for an Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure

This article presents the case for arbitration as a fitting process for special education disputes. "the availability of arbitration as suggested [herein] would add two improvements to the IDEA dispute resolution system that experience shows are sorely needed: a more balanced “access to justice”...Learn more

