This searchable database contains bibliographic information for literature (research-based and policy/practice) relating to dispute resolution in special education.

CADRE is interested in identifying additional articles and publications to include in this database. If you are aware of other such resources, please send an email to with as much information as possible about the resource (e.g., title, author, source, date), and include a copy of the publication or a URL link, if available.  Interested in emerging research and knowledge gaps in IDEA dispute resolution?

Representation in Mediation: What We Know from Empirical Research

This article provides an overview of research on representation in mediation, presenting both original research and a review of existing studies. With a primary focus on court-connected civil cases, Wissler explains "different mediation programs appear to have reached different conclusions about...Learn more

Resolution meetings: State supports and practices.

This In-Brief Policy Analysis is based on a survey sent to all special education units of state education agencies and interviews with eight states. Findings are synthesized for types of supports provided, frequency of resolution meetings, factors that impact the use of resolution meetings, and...Learn more

Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools: A Research Review

[Excerpt from Overview, p.1] This report presents information garnered from a comprehensive review of the literature on restorative justice (RJ)1 in U.S. schools. The purpose of our review is to capture key issues, describe models of RJ, and summarize results from studies conducted in the field...Learn more

Special education case law: An empirical trends analysis.

The authors examined the Education of the Handicapped Law Report (EHLR)/Individuals with Disabilities Education Law Report (IDELR) database to determine the frequency of occurrence and outcomes of published K-12 student special education decisions. Their analysis revealed three findings: first,...Learn more

Special education due process hearings in Illinois.

The report analyzes the 314 special education due process hearings held in Illinois during 1978, 1979, and the first three months of 1980 and the 95 state level appeals from the hearing officer decisions with these 314 cases. Data are analyzed and reported by handicapping condition and issue...Learn more

Special Education Hearing Officers: Balance and Bias

Abstract The use of a simple 50%-50% box score of decisions for parents and districts, respectively, is a false measure of the impartiality of hearing officers under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This analysis canvasses relevant structural factors that the stakeholders,...Learn more

Special education tuition reimbursement claims.

The ability of parents of children with disabilities to seek reimbursement for private school tuition is one of the most controversial aspects of special education law. Using a comprehensive sample of published court and hearing officer decisions regarding tuition reimbursement, this study,...Learn more

