This searchable database contains bibliographic information for literature (research-based and policy/practice) relating to dispute resolution in special education.

CADRE is interested in identifying additional articles and publications to include in this database. If you are aware of other such resources, please send an email to with as much information as possible about the resource (e.g., title, author, source, date), and include a copy of the publication or a URL link, if available.  Interested in emerging research and knowledge gaps in IDEA dispute resolution?

Building bridges with families: Honoring the mandates of IDEA

This article distills three lessons learned over the 30 years since IDEIA was first passed: 1) Families organize daily routines that balance their beliefs, resources, and needs and abilities. 2) Families vary greatly in how and how much they collaborate and participate in schooling activities. 3)...Learn more

Building parent trust in the special education setting: educators and parents of students with special needs must work together to change school culture and move from conflict to collaboration

[Excerpt] "If trust is born in strong relationships, then first encounters are critical. Parents of students with disabilities undergo a great deal of stress and come to us--the educational professionals--for help with vital specialized tasks, including assessment, placement, progress monitoring,...Learn more

